
My face

Hi - I'm Clinton, and I'm the CTO of Momentum Learning in Durham, NC. I've previously worked with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, The Iron Yard, and RTI International, among others. My big passions are my kids and making the world of programming a more welcoming and diverse place.

Recent articles

The :target pseudo-class

I just learned about the :target pseudo-class in CSS and it is pretty amazing. It targets the element with an id equal to the URL’s fragment (the hash part at the end.) This can be used with plain old links to create features that would normally require JavaScript. This CodePen shows a hamburger menu implemented with it. The way this works is brilliant. The hamburger icon is a link to #main-menu. Read more...

Development Practices

I am hungry and itching for my first immersive class with Momentum to start. We have a great program put together that is going to change people’s careers and their lives. One of the pieces of the program I’m most excited about is called “Development Practices.” In putting together our new curriculum, I spent a lot of time thinking about what’s missing from code school curricula. I realized that in the past, I’ve taught people to code, but the harder part is teaching them to be developers. Read more...

Why I love teaching people to code

When I was a kid, I dreamed of being a teacher. I didn’t think I’d end up teaching people to code. I wanted to be a high school English teacher. I learned to program, though, and that career was too lucrative to derail. Fortunately, I found my way back to teaching, first through being an instructor and academic director at The Iron Yard, and now through co-founding Momentum. I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome. Read more...

Christian podcasts

One of the most fun and unexpected parts of hopping on the Jesus train has been finding podcasts. Here are my favorites: Unbelievable? This is the most serious podcast I listen to. The host, Justin, brings people with different perspectives together, often a Christian and an atheist, but not exclusively, and has them debate about a topic. It is British, so it is very civilized. I often find myself agreeing with the non-believer in the episode, but it’s all very kind. Read more...

bell hooks talks to John Perry Barlow. This is some of the most mindblowing stuff I have read.

Unlearning the Religion of Whiteness. Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove is a prophetic voice. I think he is right on that whiteness is the poison at the roots of American Christianity.

Agenda. Found this note-taking program this week. OS X only, but it is really tight. Enjoying it a lot.

JavaScript’s a mess – and that’s a good thing. The section “A Cleaner JavaScript” in this article contains a succinct list of things to do to make your JavaScript better immediately.

Hyperapp for Redux refugees. I am a sucker for hype, but Hyperapp is looking like a real nice option for future development.

How Generative Music Works. Maybe the best web-based slideshow I’ve seen.

Mary Rose Cook live-codes a JavaScript game from scratch. This is going to be required watching in my next front-end development course.

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