bell hooks talks to John Perry Barlow. This is some of the most mindblowing stuff I have read.
Unlearning the Religion of Whiteness. Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove is a prophetic voice. I think he is right on that whiteness is the poison at the roots of American Christianity.
Agenda. Found this note-taking program this week. OS X only, but it is really tight. Enjoying it a lot.
JavaScript’s a mess – and that’s a good thing. The section “A Cleaner JavaScript” in this article contains a succinct list of things to do to make your JavaScript better immediately.
Hyperapp for Redux refugees. I am a sucker for hype, but Hyperapp is looking like a real nice option for future development.
How Generative Music Works. Maybe the best web-based slideshow I’ve seen.
Mary Rose Cook live-codes a JavaScript game from scratch. This is going to be required watching in my next front-end development course.